At Healing Kitchens, We Believe That...
...teaching people how to translate nutritional and culinary science to the everyday plate will help them live happier, healthier lives.
We are committed to helping people achieve better health through our cookbooks and online courses. Founded in 2015 by Rebecca Katz, Paul Remer and Jen Yasis, Healing Kitchens LLC provides resources to consumers, healthcare practitioners and pharmaceutical companies.
coursES & BOOKS
We develop and deliver online courses and Culinary RX booklets based on Rebecca's books and other sources of nutritional best practices. The Cancer Fighting Kitchen Course and The Clean Soups Course teach people how to incorporate healthy cooking and eating into their lives.
REBECCAKATZ.COM is a website and blog dedicated to providing the latest information, tips and recipes from our founder, Rebecca Katz. Rebecca is renowned for her series of cookbooks, including The Cancer Fighting Kitchen, The Longevity Kitchen and The Healthy Mind Cookbook.